About the Artist

Charlie is a self-taught oil painter that lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. With only ~2 years of painting experience Charlie has already made great strides with his art, having completed over 75 paintings he is now a featured artist in Oil, a City Gallery, a gallery located in the historic Marshall Building in the Third Ward of Milwaukee. He also has his work for sale at The Ottoman Society in Elm Grove.


In January 2022, Charlie finished his first ever painting. Started as a casual hobby, his first piece, Annunciata, became a jumping off point for an explosion of artwork following its completion.

(Note the signature compared to all other paintings. I began using a cursive CI for all pieces after this)

Frequently Asked Questions

Did you go to art school or have any formal training?

No. I took one art class while in community college in 2018 but that class did not contain any oil painting. I've always had a natural affinity for drawing and sculpting but had never painted anything until the end of 2021.

How did you learn how to paint?

Practice, YouTube tutorials from various artists on different subjects that I needed help learning. Books like Daily Painting by Carole Marine, Mastering Composition by Ian Roberts, and Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting by John F. Carlson.

What materials/mediums do you use?

I generally use Winsor and Newton oil paints but I have other brands that I use as well. I rarely use mediums however, I'll use odorless paint thinner to create a wash if I feel like it. I paint on either cotton stretched canvases or cotton panels.

How did you find your art style?

This is something I still continue to explore and discover. I have experimented with many styles and subject matter such as landscapes, still life, portraits, and abstract. I seem to be narrowing in on landscapes, cityscapes, and cloudscapes as subjects I enjoy painting.

Do you accept commissions?

I am relatively picky with commissions as I want to paint what I love to paint and believe that the quality is sacrificed when I'm painting a subject I don't enjoy. However, feel free to fill out the contact form or email me directly at charlie.irmiger@gmail.com to inquire.

Wny is your Instagram handle @TheBig7Footer?

I have the gift of being 7 feet tall and wanted to incorporate that fact into my branding since it's the only extreme physical characteristic that is socially accepted to comment on. Also good luck telling someone to follow you on Instagram and having to spell out Irmiger... TheBig7Footer is much easier.

Artwork displayed in Oil, a City Gallery

One year later...

Only one year after completing Annunciata, Charlie was invited to be a featured artist in 'Oil, a City Gallery' for Milwaukee's Gallery Night, a popular event held throughout downtown Milwaukee. This painting, 'Light Funnel' was the showcase piece displayed in the gallery. Charlie hoped that this painting would highlight the progress that he has made over his first year.